Video Library

– Common factors found in Colon Cancer –

Video is an overview of risks causing colon cancer, why a colonoscopy is essential, when to have the initial colonoscopy and regular screenings there after.

– Gallbladder Cancer Awareness Month February | Gallbladder and Cancer –

The chances of surviving Gallbladder Cancer depends to a large extent on how early the cancer is detected. The survival rates are dramatically higher if the cancer is detected while still at the “Local” stage. This is why it is essential to know the typical signs and symptoms associated with the diseases.  This video is made to help individuals understand what signs and symptoms to look for as part of their routine self examination and also provide details on the procedure used by medical teams to detect Gallbladder Cancer.


– Surviving Cancer 3 Times: My Journey of Early Detection and Advocacy –

I’ve battled cancer three times over 37 years, surviving each through early detection and proactive health monitoring. My journey underscores the importance of recognizing cancer warning signs, advocating for medical attention, and staying vigilant between routine doctor visits. Learn how you and your loved ones can take control of your health and spot cancer early. Together, we can save lives. Share this video to spread awareness!

– Spot Cancer Early: 5 Steps to Protect Yourself and Your Family –

Take charge of your health with these 5 essential steps to spot cancer early. Learn how to identify signs and symptoms, monitor your body, understand your family history, work with a trusted medical team, and prioritize screenings and testing. Early detection saves lives—don’t wait to take these simple but powerful actions for you and your loved ones. Share this video to spread awareness!

– How is cancer detected –

Early detection of cancer is critical in beating cancer. Learn the various methods used to detect the disease. Early spotting of cancer may save your life or the life of a loved one.

– When should you have a colonoscopy –

Colon and rectal cancer are curable over 95% of the time if detected early and treated timely. It is the best chance of beating the disease. Regular scheduled testing in critical part of early detection as well as knowing the related signs and symptoms. The most accurate way of detecting colon or rectal cancer is a colonoscopy. The video details what the procedure of a colonoscopy is.

– What are Lymph Nodes | How to Check Cancer Signs and Symptoms –

Lymph nodes are a critical part of the immune system that fight germs infections and other substances. Learn where they are located in various parts of your body  so that you can monitor for early detection of cancer.

– How to Detect Cancer: Steps to Get Cancer Diagnoses –

Let your medical team determine if you have cancer. Self diagnosis can lead to wrong conclusions and unnecessary anxiety. This video illustrates the methods used by your medical team to determine if you have cancer.

– Not Sure How to Beat Cancer? Take Charge of Your Health to Spot and Beat Cancer –

Take charge of your health by being proactive. You know your body best and therefore can see changes at an early stage. 

Learn more about a five step program to spot cancer early and ensure timely treatment. Following the program only takes a few minutes. It may save your life or the life of a loved one.

– What is a Colonoscopy? –

– What Can COVID-19 Teach Us About Cancer? –

COVID-19 has taught us that early action makes a difference. Rather than waiting for a cure, we took action to contain the virus and save lives. In the same way, we can contain cancer with early detection. 93% of cancer can be cured when detected in stage 1 but 25% of people don’t know what to look for.

– The Secret You Don’t Know About Cancer –

Do you wear seatbelts to protect yourself against car accidents? Taking proactive steps to spot cancer can save your life, just like wearing a seatbelt in the car. Learn about why it is important to spot cancer in a timely manner and how to detect cancer early.

– Containing Cancer Before It Spreads –

Early cancer detection and treatment saves lives. You have the power to contain cancer starting today to save a life. See actionable steps to spot cancer early. 

– Cancer Survival Story –

This inspiring family shares their story of how three members beat cancer. They have since dedicated their lives to reduce cancer deaths by educating the public on the power of early cancer detection and treatment. Cancer is scary. Many are curable. This video explains some proactive steps you can take today that may save your life from the disease.

– Cancer Facts –

1 out of 3 women and 1 out of 2 men will have cancer during their lifetime. Many cancers are curable. The video gives you crucial facts and shows some steps to spot cancer early.

– Proactive Plan for Early Cancer Detection –

Learn some simple steps to help detect many cancers before they have the chance to spread. Most cancers are curable. This video shows 5 steps to spotting cancer that can help reduce cancer deaths starting today.

– The Missing Piece of Your Health & Wellness Routine –

Learn some simple steps to help detect many cancers before they have the chance to spread. Most cancers are curable. This video shows 5 steps to spotting cancer that can help reduce cancer deaths starting today.

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Hi, I’m Oakley! I’m here to inspire wisdom & learning about what you can do to spot cancer early. Follow my lead, and I’ll show you how to #SpotandSurvive!

As a nonprofit organization, SpottingCancer.Org relies on donations to fund our outreach efforts. However, what is just as important as monetary donations is the donation of time and energy that individuals like you make towards learning about cancer-spotting habits and then spreading that knowledge to your friends and loved ones.