Survivors’ Wall
Survivor Wall
Spotting Cancer Corporation mission is to help with early and timely detection of cancer. We honor those who spotted their cancer and survived it.


Donna Burns
Colon Cancer
Jacob Burns
Skin Cancer
Eliot Caplan
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Jackye Cullen
Breast Cancer
Maria DiNola
Breast Cancer
Laura Felino
Breast Cancer
Susan Kafka
Uterine Cancer
Bryan Schaeffer
Colon Cancer
Jerry Karp
Colon Cancer
Tish Mckenna
Advanced stage IV N.S.C.L.C. w/mets to brain
Amy Michelle Arrowood
Acute Promyleocytic Leukemia
Angela Brown
Breast Cancer
Harry Stevens
Prostate Cancer
Karen Ford
Breast Cancer
William Robert
Small cell Carcinoma of the Bladder
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to our Survivor Wall?
It is for free!