Skin Changes
The first step to #SpotandSurvive is to know cancer signs & symptoms
these warning signs and symptoms
Abnormal skin changes can be an indicator that something is not quite right in your body. Skin changes can be a symptom of cancer, but if you detect your cancer symptoms early enough, you greatly improve your odds of surviving. Discover what to look for below, and remember: knowing and spotting cancer signs and symptoms early can save your life.
- Check your moles, freckles, birthmarks, and other body markings for any ABCDE changes. (15)
- A – Asymmetrical: two halves of mole differ
- B – Border: rough uneven edges
- C – Color: multiple colors in the same patch or mole
- D – Diameter: larger than a pencil eraser (1/4 inches or 6 millimeters)
- E – Evolving: any new symptoms, including bleeding, itching, or crusting
- Painless, firm, dome-shaped bump, light pink or purple color, generally small like a bite but changing rapidly in size(114)
- Skin color becomes darker, ashy, yellowish, or pale (9)
- Excessive hair growth (9)
- Red, itchy skin (52)
- Sudden bleeding around moles blemishes (52)
- Thickening or hardening of skin (53)
- Blisters on face (54)
- Unexplained bruising or bright red spots appear (15)
- Scratch, skin ulcer, or mole with bleeding, crusts, or scabs not healing that ooze or do not heal (52)
- Sores or skin changes on the penis or vagina (55)
- Uneven texture and fatty under skin (56)
- Large mole (52)
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Take Action!!
Should you spot any signs, consider them a “red flag.” It does not mean you have cancer. If signs do not disappear within one week, contact your medical team for a professional evaluation.
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when you download and use our guides
Get the Signs & Symptoms Guide
Download the Spotting Cancer Signs & Symptoms Guide to learn what to look for. Knowing and spotting indicators of cancer early can save your life.
Get the Complete Body Monitoring Guide
Download the Complete Body Monitoring Guide to keep track of your body’s changes. The guide includes interactive charts and body monitoring guidelines.
Get the Proactive Plan For Early Detection of Breast Cancer Guide
You're on Step 1

Step 1:
Signs & Symptoms
To monitor yourself for early cancer detection, you must know the cancer signs and symptoms. A listing of the various signs and symptoms are just a click away.

Step 2:
Body Monitoring
Cancer grows 24/7. Therefore, you must monitor your body to detect any abnormality between regular doctor visits or screenings. The tools and methods are described in this section.

Step 3:
Family History
Knowing and charting your family medical history will help your medical team as they develop a long-term wellness program suited to your unique needs.

Step 4:
Medical Team
Cancer is not self-healing. Therefore, when spotting a cancer sign or symptom, consider it a red flag that should cause you to consult your medical team immediately to determine if it is cancer or another illness.

Step 5:
Screening & Testing
Not all cancer signs and symptoms are visible. You should establish specific times for the various cancer screening and tests with your medical team.