Lung Screening (113)
Cancer screening & testing helps you #SpotandSurvive

Lung screenings are recommended only for adults who do NOT have any symptoms of cancer but are at high risk, and only after consulting their medical team. The sole test to be performed is a low-dose CT Scan.
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends yearly lung cancer screenings for those with heavy smoking history of 30 pack years or more. A pack year is smoking an average of one pack of cigarettes per day for one year. For example, a person could have a 30 pack-year history by smoking 30 years or two packs a day for 15 years.
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Screening Methods:
The scan is performed by laying down on a table that moves through a donut shaped x-ray machine. The machine captures multiple images using a low dosage of radiation. The various x-ray pictures are processed by a computer to create a detailed image of the lungs. The scan is painless and is quick, (about 5 minutes).
There is no special preparation required.
Watch this video to see what happens during a lung screening.
Source: Lee Health
Yearly lung cancer screenings are also recommended for those who currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years, and those who are between 55 and 80 years old.
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Take Action
Regular screening & testing is necessary to to spot cancer before it’s too late. Talk to your doctor or medical provider today to learn what cancer screening & testing is right for you.
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You're on Step 5

Step 1:
Signs & Symptoms
To monitor yourself for early cancer detection, you must know the cancer signs and symptoms. A listing of the various signs and symptoms are just a click away.

Step 2:
Body Monitoring
Cancer grows 24/7. Therefore, you must monitor your body to detect any abnormality between regular doctor visits or screenings. The tools and methods are described in this section.

Step 3:
Family History
Knowing and charting your family medical history will help your medical team as they develop a long-term wellness program suited to your unique needs.

Step 4:
Medical Team
Cancer is not self-healing. Therefore, when spotting a cancer sign or symptom, consider it a red flag that should cause you to consult your medical team immediately to determine if it is cancer or another illness.

Step 5:
Screening & Testing
Not all cancer signs and symptoms are visible. You should establish specific times for the various cancer screening and tests with your medical team.