About Spotting Cancer
Spotting Cancer Corporation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization devoted to reducing cancer deaths worldwide.

Birth of SpottingCancer.Org
Four generations of my family have been personally affected by cancer. Members of the first two generations died quickly after being diagnosed by doctors because the cancer was not spotted early, so they could not have the necessary medical procedures that could have eradicated their diseases.
As for myself I have had three bouts with cancer in over 37 years as well as three of my children. We have survived because all of us have learned how to spot cancer at an early stage and got timely treated. Our family has also learned the importance of monitoring our bodies between scheduled doctor visits in addition to regular doctor visits.
Based on our fortunate survival record we decided as a family to start Spotting Cancer Corporation (a 501(c)3) non profit and non monetized organization devoted to share with the public for free the methods we used to beat cancer in hopes of reducing worldwide cancer deaths.
Our Mission:
- Spotting Cancer Corp’s primary mission has been to develop a non for profit website that equips the public with free information, methods, and tools necessary to detect cancer early and obtain timely treatment, ultimately aiming to reduce cancer-related deaths immediately with NO new research or drugs.
- Raise public awareness about the necessity for individuals to take proactive action to implement a plan that will enable them to detect cancer early and seek prompt treatment.
- Developed an accredited website with assistance from medical professionals, medical institutions, and personal experience.
- Established a 5 step plan for free use by individuals to proactively implement methods to spot cancer early and seek timely treatment. It is on the spottingcancer.org web site for free use.
- Received advertising grants from Google and Microsoft that allowed Spotting Cancer Corporation to reach thousands of visitors monthly via social media.
- Created a variety of videos, blogs, printable guides, monthly newsletters for additional resource information on how to beat cancer.
- Formed the Cancer Detection Squad for volunteers to help in educating the public on how to #spotandsurvive cancer.
- Email Monthly “ Oakley tips” on various cancer related subjects.
- Posted on website a survivor wall- to place for free names of people who beat cancer and are in remission.
Expand awareness on how spottingcancer.org can help to #spotandsurvive cancer using display monitors in medical provider facilities.
- Expand awareness on how spottingcancer.org can help to #spotandsurvive cancer using display monitors in medical provider facilities.
- Develop educational kit for volunteers to use in helping to educate individuals on the spottingcancer.org 5 step plan for #spotandsurvive cancer.
- Design a line of wearable gear to promote early cancer detection
- Hold special events to create greater awareness.
- Create additional short videos to help in the education process.
- Develop and distribute a monthly cancer oriented crossword puzzle.
Since the launch of SPOTTINGCANCER.ORG, our family has encountered cancer several more times, including my third bout. However, due to a variety of proactive monitoring methods, we were able to detect the cancer at an early stage, leading to successful remission.
My Cancer Journey
I have had three bouts with cancer in over 37 years. I have survived because I have learned, along with my family, how to spot cancer early and get timely treatment. We also learned the importance of monitoring our bodies between scheduled doctor visits and scheduled screenings.
At the age of 46, I spotted a pinhead amount of blood in my stool—one of the primary signs of Colorectal cancer. I immediately contacted my doctor who determined, through further testing including a colonoscopy, that cancerous polyps caused the bleeding. The doctor recommended surgery to eliminate the disease with no chemo or radiation treatments. By doing so it allowed me to maintain my normal, everyday life. As suggested by my medical team, I kept up with scheduled medical visits and screenings.
As recommended, I regularly checked my body for signs and symptoms between visits, and nearly 19 years later, I spotted a potential problem and confirmed by a medical provider. Fortunately, for the second time, the cancer was spotted while still at Stage 1. This allowed the doctors to surgically remove the cancerous tumor before it spread.
Recently, I was diagnosed for the third time with cancer. Despite experiencing various symptoms, my own primary doctor initially dismissed the possibility of cancer due to my age. However, after advocating for myself and insisting on further tests, it was confirmed that I was facing cancer once again. I am currently under treatment.
Want to inspire your family and friends to #SpotandSurvive? Join the Cancer Detection Squad!

My Children’s Cancer Journey
Three of my children had bouts with cancer. All my children are aware of the importance of regular cancer screenings, knowing the signs and symptoms of cancer, and how to monitor their bodies. Fortunately, this knowledge saved their lives. After having a low-grade temperature for a month and feeling constantly tired, one of my daughters thoroughly checked her body and noticed spots on her throat. She contacted her doctor immediately. After several tests, it was concluded that she had lymphoma. Treatments were started immediately before the cancer had a chance to spread. Fortunately her cancer never advanced past stage 1.
A couple of years later during a routine mammogram test breast cancer was detected on the same daughter. She underwent surgery where it was immediately removed. I’m grateful to say she is now in remission.
Another daughter is also a success story. Having witnessed my cancer at a young age, she realized the importance of having routine, preventative colon screenings. At the age of 44 during a scheduled colonoscopy, her doctor detected premalignant polyps and removed them before becoming fully cancerous. She is now on a prescribed screening schedule watch to stay at Stage 0.
During a routine body check, my daughter-in-law noticed dark, unusual skin on my son’s back. This led to a biopsy and a stage 1 Melanoma diagnosis. Thankfully, the infected skin was promptly removed through outpatient surgery without the need for further treatment.

Jerry's Family History
Follow the 5 steps to develop the #SpotandSurvive habit that saved Jerry's life

Step 1:
Signs & Symptoms
To monitor yourself for early cancer detection, you must know the cancer signs and symptoms. A listing of the various signs and symptoms are just a click away.

Step 2:
Body Monitoring
Cancer grows 24/7. Therefore, you must monitor your body to detect any abnormality between regular doctor visits or screenings. The tools and methods are described in this section.

Step 3:
Family History
Charting your family medical history will assist your medical team in developing a long-term wellness program suited to your unique needs.

Step 4:
Medical Team
Cancer is not self-healing. Therefore, when spotting a cancer sign or symptom, consider it a red flag that should cause you to consult your medical team immediately to determine if it is or is not cancer.

Step 5:
Screening & Testing
Not all cancer signs and symptoms are visible. You should establish specific times for the various cancer screening and tests with your medical team.